Did you know?

A chocolate a day keeps the doctor away

Good news for chocolate lovers! Now, you can be guilt-free when you take a bite of your favorite food because it has become a health food.

It has been found out that chocolate is packed with high-quality polyphenol antioxidants that reduce the risk for developing heart diseases and at the same time offer some anti-aging benefits.

But don’t go overexcited on buying loads of chocolate goodness yet, choose flavanol-rich dark chocolate. It may be a bit bittersweet to your tasting, but its benefits – lowering cholesterol, and reducing blood clot and high blood pressure -- are enough to make it more mouthwatering. Plus, you don’t have to worry of gaining a few pounds because there is little risk if it is 70% to 85% cocoa dark, bittersweet chocolate. Now, that’s yummy!

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